This is not a site but a very specific search engine. It searches for birds posted on Flickr!!!
Nothing is stored here besides this HTML page and some related css, javascript, perl and json files.
The main goal is to allow anyone to get a list of all public bird photos posted by a Flickr user and show it in a single HTML page.
However, it only list public photos tagged with scientific name according to the 2005 update of the 5th edition of the Clements list.
Given an username it will ask Flickr (through the Flickr API) for each one of 9931 listed species and, if found at least one, a sample will be shown here.
The first time you run it will take a long, long time to finish. However if you stop it, next time it will remember the previous search and restart
from that point on.
The time spent to discover (and display) all bird species posted by a Flickr user is very dependent. In my computer it takes about 6 minutes.
When finished it will save all the results in your local browser database and, next time, it will be much much faster.
This is the second Beta realease. So, please, don't expect everything works in your browser version
Last, but not the least, I want to say Thank You Very Much to Dave Appleton for
his essential contribution. Without it this tool wouldn't be possible